Barbershop & Mental Health

How we are trying to improve mental health at our barbershop

  • Many men do not access therapy due to factors such as stigma, insurance restrictions, and a lack of support or fear or been seen as weak.
  • Barbers hold the unique potential to bridge the gap between underserved communities and access to mental health care. 
  • Our barbershop will continue to be a place where we listen regardless of how fast the world is moving.


Barbershops have always played a significant role in a lot of men's life. As they are faced numerous obstacles, like grief and loss, relationship failures and pressures, working life and mental illness, one thing always allows them to feel anchored and safe: their visits to their barbershop. Some once said “My barber was the one who could really bail me out of this kind of mental agony that I had been going through,” he reflects. “He was one of the few people in my life that became a mentor.” and this is what we hope to continue to do at our barbershop as we go through tough challenges in life.

As barbers we find ourselves in a unique position to help our clients, through the trust and bond we build with them. An incredibly strong relationship where clients become friends and can share aspect of their lives with us, Our barbershop will continue to be that place where we hope to continue to build relationship with our clients.
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